Why I Started a Black-owned Stationery Shop
Every creative project I've done has started with writing. Eventually, my dreams caused me to stretch beyond the page in ways I never imagined. Eventually I understood that at my core, I'm a storyteller. Writing is just my favorite medium. After decades of writing heavy content, shifts in my personal life, and a growing distaste for systemic racism in the U.S. workforce, I decided to have fun with my writing. I deserve to enjoy my own gifts.
Newcastle Studios is the breadth of my creativity. It blends:
- my obsession with words
- my unconditional love + advocacy for my people
- passion for creating memories
- my sustaining belief that authenticity is the highest form of beauty
And since I've always had some version of a "Letter from the Editor" in my projects, it's only right to share the magic of this endeavor in the way I know best -- with words.
That being said, Newcastle Studios more than a business. It is a celebration of my father's life and lessons. For more than a decade, I've been trying desperately to bottle up all the goodness he's planted in my life. I'm only now realizing that sharing more of myself makes my father's memory bigger, brighter, and louder. What a beautiful thing it is to be set free by grief after being its hostage for so long.
My dad created core memories for me and my siblings by taking us all over the world as kids. Now, he's with me in a different way and I'm returning the favor by making this adventure as dope as possible.